Sunday 23 December 2007

Not So Amazing

A crazy chain of inter-blog influence has led to this post. I began by writing a post about TellyAds Top 20 TV ads of 2007. Then Jon, after reading that post, did his own post about his own personal top ads of the year. His worst ads of the year were the ones for the iPhone. This lead to me thinking "oh, I'd forgotten, I was going to a post about one of those ads". And that led to me writing this post.

Anyway, here's the particular ad that offended me.

Apple iPhone Amazing

There are lots of reasons to hate the iPhone ads, such as the grating background music, the general patronisingness ("This is your e-mail" - well holy shit, I've never seen e-mail before, what a revelation!), the list goes on and on.

The reason that I hate the above advert is that about twenty seconds in when the guy says "endless entertainment" you suddenly realise (if you hadn't already) that the guy doing the voiceovers is an insincere tossbag. It's as if, at that point, the guy makes a conscious decision to lurch into self-parody and actually starts reading the script as if it were a pre-school story book with lots of pictures, trying to create as much of a (false) sense of childish wonder as possible.

I also hate the way these adverts try and make the 'phone' aspect of the device seem like a bit of a novelty, shoving it at the end of the ads. "Ooh, look, it does calls as well, aren't we wacky electronics people?" No. No, you aren't. It's a phone. That's what it's for. Oh well, maybe one day Apple will invent the iBrick so that someone can smash it into the face of Apple's head of marketing. Over and over. Until he dies.

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