Monday 24 March 2008


What is it with Channel 4 and incest? First we had Rhys fucking his half-sister Beth on Hollyoaks, then we had Ian fucking his half-brother on Shameless. And those are just the ones I know about. Now Channel 4 are giving us a whole programme dedicated to people fucking their half-siblings, Sleeping With My Sister.

According to Channel 4's blurb:
Over nine months, the documentary follows the lives of Nick and Danielle, in Scotland; and a couple in the US. Both couples are in the grip of a powerful incestuous love: a passion that is set to destroy marriages, and will see Nick and Danielle prosecuted for incest.
The Guardian's TV guide doesn't seem impressed though: "It's hard to understand why they decided to make this show, particularly as Tom and Stephanie [the US couple] hadn't yet told their respective spouses". I imagine they decided to make this show because some Channel 4 exec has a really, really unhealthy interest in incest. Let's hope Channel 4 never buy up the rights to Family Fortunes because I dread to think what they'd do with it.

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