Wednesday 12 September 2007

Mars, lights, blah blah blah...

I honestly can't think of titles for these posts anymore. It's destroying me (though not literally - that would just be bizarre).

Anyway, that's besides the point. The point resides within this link here: click and watch.

I'd almost forgotten about this advert and suddenly it was on TV and I remembered it. I'm sorry that's not exactly the best story of all time, but if you're looking for that sort of thing you'd probably be better off with a copy of War and Peace rather than some random blog post (so actually I'm not sorry at all - it's your own fault). Anyway, I'm rambling.

I honestly don't understand what the point of this advert is. Does it make you want to buy a Mars bar? All it does to me is vaguely suggest that eating a Mars bar will cause you to activate light sources and small electrical appliances everywhere you go. And that's hardly going to get you a place in the cast of Heroes is it? In fact it'd be fucking annoying. You'd never be able to sleep at night because all your bedroom lights would turn on, and during the day people would start having a go at you in the street for turning on all the streetlights in the middle of the day, thus wasting valuable resources. Probably the only way you'd be able to manage your carbon footprint would be to spontaneously metamorphosise into a tree.

All that for the sake of one bloody Mars bar? It's just not worth it.

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