Friday 12 January 2007

Everyone Loves Stickers

I wasn't going to do a blog entry today but I had an empty hour. Ho hum.

There's some programme on the TV right now, where a random woman's bitching about carrots. "Call these carrots?" she says, among other similar comments. What do you think you're presenting woman, the Carrot Factor? Because you aren't and you should really shut the fuck up.

Anyhoo, back to business. I found this set of stickers that came with a VHS cassette and they made me laugh. Here's a scan:

The dad's my favourite. Who the fuck looks like that? I fear for the children because their dad's obviously a total paedophile. And if you look at the woman you can see the secret plea for help from a woman who has to spend every evening in her husband's secret sex torture dungeon. She even looks as if she's wearing some kind of odd school uniform fancy dress outfit.
"Do I have to wear this again Jeremy?"
"Yes! And I told you, call me Adolf."
"Daddy, why is Mummy wearing a school uniform?"
I mean look at the pretty blonde children, sitting there like a Nazi's wet dream. Bet they have blue eyes. Or the neo-fascist dad makes them wear coloured contacts. Perhaps they have to bleach their hair. Y'know sometimes I wonder if I should get a life, but then I realised that over analysing the stickers from a video tape is much more fun than living. Stop looking at me like that.

My greatest achievement today was completing the free activities that came with my Scooby-Doo advent calendar. Look!

I made Scooby's face out of the doors from the days during Hollyoaks and then I made the Mystery Machine while I was watching Project Catwalk with my Mum. Aren't I clever?

Meanwhile I did fuck all work on my very important and soon-to-have-to-be-handed-in essay. Shows where my priorities lie.

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