Wednesday 21 March 2007

Unfunny Sketch

I happened upon some files yesterday which contained some material for this blog that I never posted. One of the files contained some sketches I wrote to take the piss out of Tittybangbang, the dire 'comedy' sketch show on BBC3. Basically I'd decided to write some sketches of equal comedic value to highlight just how crap the show is. Here's one of the results:

[HUSBAND is sitting at a table. WIFE walks in.]
HUSBAND: Hello dear! How was work today?
WIFE: I didn’t go to work. I called up and quit in the morning.
WIFE: I quit because I’m leaving. I’m moving away.
HUSBAND: What? But what about our baby?
WIFE: I went and had an abortion. I don’t want to have a child with you.
WIFE: I’m leaving you. I packed my bags this morning. There’s a cab outside.
HUSBAND: Um… goodbye then?
WIFE: Yes, goodbye. You shit.

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