Saturday 24 November 2007


Sorry about the lack of recent posts. Um... it's not good. Anyway...

If you're a long time reader of this blog, you'll know I often post links from tellyAds, a site that has streaming version of lots of television adverts. Well tellyAds are running a 'best of 2007' vote with a fairly big shortlist: look at it here.

But look at that list. There are some shit adverts on there. The Head and Shoulders Mickey advert - why the fuck is that there? It's one of the worst adverts of the year!

There's that Aero advert with the muscular guy, a totally random advert which basically goes 'OMG!!! BUY OUR PRODUCT! WE HAVE A SEXXXY MAN ON OUR ADVERT!!!!1111'. It's an advert for fucking morons. If you bought an Aero because of that advert I demand you have yourself sterilised as soon as possible.

There's an Argos Christmas advert which automatically loses for me because they started broadcasting it in fucking October! October! That's just wrong. That's like having a hysterectomy before having kids (and then thinking 'Oh... shit. I want a baby!')

There's a perverted boy who likes sniffing his sofa (don't worry, he'll soon graduate to glue and the odour of lap-dancer sweat).

There's Victoria Wood whoring herself out to Wal-Mart. There's a fucking BT ad with that fucking man and his fucking family (where's the advert where they all die from carbon monoxide poisoning?).

These adverts aren't good. They're shit. Shame on you tellyAds. Shame!

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