Tuesday 8 January 2008

One Year Old!

This blog's one year old today! Whoopty doo. It's also the 50th post. Two milestones in one. Anyway, to celebrate I thought I'd do yet another shark-jumping 'blog about the blog' post. Here are my top 5 posts from the blog's first year:

5: Filthy - Sunday, 30 December 2007

I've had more hits thanks to this post than any other, thus it gets on 'the list'. People like middle-age tits apparently.

4: (Untitled) - Monday, 23 April 2007

Because sometimes a grainy scan and a short, bitchy, caption says more than a thousand words.

3: Coke FUCKING Zero - Friday, 2 November 2007

Why can't all good things come without downsides? Like adverts - but without a bunch of self-righteous whiny tossbags with a disturbing resemblance to a neo-Nazi movement.

2: The Death Cult of E-CARDS - Saturday, 24 March 2007

OMG!!! E-cards give you cancer!!! No, no they don't, fuck off Daily Mail.

1: Everyone Loves Stickers - Friday, 12 January 2007

People seemed to respond to VHS stickers. A bit like Lady Di, but with mass produced stickers. Thus this is No. 1.

A-Blog Year One - The Statistics

795 Visits
488 Absolute Unique Visitors
1,270 Page Views

And that's my self-indulgent tramp-fest over with. Hope you've enjoyed the blog and continue to do so.

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