Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Wakey Quakey

I just found this gem in the Daily Mail's coverage of the earthquake that happened in the early hours of the morning:
John Jenkin, from Bourne in Lincolnshire, was woken by the tremors and said that objects had fallen from shelves.

He said: "I was woken up. It was hell."
That's it. I haven't taken it out of context, that's all it says about John Jenkin. Since when has objects falling from shelves been a hellish experience? I mean if there was a special circle of hell for OCD sufferers then maybe I could understand, but my copy of Dante's Inferno indicates that no such thing exists. Perhaps John Jenkin needs to get a grip?

Friday, 15 February 2008

[Untitled 2]

Unfortunate duplicate use of abbreviation:

Brit smashes world record
Brit to get new image

In other news, I went shopping today and released it's quite fun to pretend that you're stalking a complete stranger when, in fact, by coincidence you're walking in the same direction.